Thursday, April 29, 2010


In this life, it is full with colors…
All depends on us to choose the RIGHT color….
People will use us when they want to….
If we bring benefits to them, they will come to us….
Be good with us….
Praise us…
And says something that good to be listening to….

They will never understand us….
They will say bad things when they feel that we don’t follow what they want….

Remember that in this life, if we be good to other then others will pay us the same….
If we put shit to others face, then the same thing will come to us….

Now I understand what is the true friendship is….
It is about being faithful and supports each other…..
Not become a SELFISH!!!!
Think before you done something….
You don’t know that you have hurt someone’s feeling!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ku Bahagia Bila Kau Tiba.......

Biar berjauhan namamu daku sebutkan
Cukup untuk mengisi
Sepi tika pilu menanti
Bukan bintang atau suria bisa menyinar ceria
Namun kau cahaya menerangi jiwa lara
Berperang dengan curiga di firasatku
Andai kau kembali merawat hati rindu

Ku bahagia pabila kau tiba
Kau lenyapkan rawan
Tak usah dikau pergi
Tak ingin lagi
Meruntun hiba dengan sesalan
Kini kuakui
Segala kemaafan kupohon kepadamu
Agar kau mengerti
Hanya cintamu yang terbaik untukku

Biar berjauhan namamu daku sebutkan
Cukup untuk mengisi
Sepi tika pilu menanti
Berperang dengan curiga di firasatku
Andai kau kembali merawat hati rindu

Ku bahagia pabila kau tiba
Kau lenyapkan rawan
Tak usah dikau pergi
Tak ingin lagi
Meruntun hiba dengan sesalan
Kini kuakui
Segala kemaafan kupohon kepadamu
Agar kau mengerti
Hanya cintamu yang terbaik untukku
Kau untukku

Monday, April 26, 2010

My New Life

I've change my status..
Starting from 17th April 2010, I'm a WIFE to Muhamad Yudi Humar...
It have been 10 days I lives as a wife...
It is a great feeling for me...

Everyday, I'll wake up much earlier before him...
Prepare myself, Solat, and prepare cloth for him to wear...
And the I'll wake him up...
While waiting for him to prepare himself, I'll prepare breakfast for him...

He is a good husband...
He teach me a lot of things...
I love him with all my heart...
Now he is my priority in life...
I don't know how to describe this feeling...
It feel soooo GOOD!!!!

I love you Muhamad Yudi Humar... For eternally....

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